Cause a Ripple Effect

I just got back from an exciting visit in Las Vegas! I spent some wonderful time with my son Jeff, my beautiful daughter-in-love Ashley, her mom Jane and my brand new grandson Leland, who is named after my Dad. One of the highlights of this trip other than rocking and feeding little Leland, was long daily walks with my son Jeff. Jeff's main love language is quality time and we both enjoy long walks. We talk and discuss all of life's challenges. On one of our walks, we were talking about how you can sense and feel when someone is off, whether they are in a bad mood or angry. You can sense the heaviness or the negative energy they put out. The atmosphere gets thick and you can sense the darkness or an uneasiness. Let's face it, sometimes someone's bad mood or vibe can get on you. Weeks ago, I could sense it in my own home and I just had to shake it off, pray and put myself to bed early. The devil wants us to be in conflict. In fact, James 3:16 it says where there is envy and strife, there is every evil works. The New King James Version tells us "For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there."

Have you ever considered what the opposite meaning is of the word envy? We know strife means bitter conflict, antagonism, discord, clash, struggle, competition or rivalry. I find it so interesting the opposite of envy is generosity, kindness, blessing, pleasure, confidence, contentedness, bigheartedness, be content and the opposite of strife is peace, harmony and cooperation! When we are generous, we are unselfish, we give and share. When we remove strife, self-centeredness and selfishness from our lives, we will have peace. I don't know about you, but the older I get the more I seek peace and joy. I'm avoiding envy and strife at all costs, even if I have to put myself in time out.

The opposite is true for people who are happy and joyful! You can sense their energy and light! It makes you feel good to be around them. It doesn't take long and someone full of joy starts to laugh and it's contagious. Then everyone has the giggles. The same is true for those who love, bring peace and are generous. We can cause a ripple effect everywhere we go by the energy we bring, the words we speak, our attitude and by every decision we make.

As a child of God, we bring the Kingdom of Heaven with us when we are living out of our spirit man versus when we are acting out of our flesh or carnal mind. We can change the atmosphere with one kind act or loving word. Recently, the Lord led me to this powerful truth found in 1 Corinthians 4:20; Paul tells us "For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power." Initially, I was wait! The word of God is very powerful all by itself. Then I received this revelation, the power comes from our belief . When we believe in the word of God, and are led by the spirit we will be powerful. I embolden you to create a powerful ripple effect of love and peace everywhere you go.

We may think our one little act has no real significance but I encourage to drop some love, a kind word, an act of kindness, or small step. We get to choose how we think, feel, believe and respond. Let's drop some peace, some light, some joy and laughter into this beautiful life. One little drop of love can make a huge impact! Your actions or words can be one little pebble dropped in the ocean of life creating a beautiful ripple effect which will change the lives of those around you.

Help me share the good news of Jesus. You can share this newsletter with a friend! Maybe you know someone who has strife in their family and destruction is the ripple effect in their lives. It's easy to make disciples. Share this newsletter with them. God wants them to live in His light and love.

Power & Authority

Jesus gave us His power and authority. When we live by the spirit and not by our emotions, we will be powerful. The kingdom of God is for us, with us and backing us up. Luke 9:2 tells us, "He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." He is sending us to do the same. Go and make some positives ripples!


Let's Connect!

Each month I send out a newsletter to my subscribers. My goal is to encourage, inspire and motivate you to lean into God.  God has wonderful promises and truths for us to discover. Let's do this together, sign up, It’s Free!